
It’s interesting comparing two nations’ ideology and turns out, there’s loads of pros n cons! ok recently, we’re having a greve movement and it has reached out to most sectors, fonctionnaires, teachers, and even students. now, my U has decided to block the university, thus giving me a day or two of vacations!(ha ha ha). and i went to the AG yesterday, and it went well, hell even the teacher supports us!(they gave us an early-out-of-class-to-participate-in-AG). now that’s what i call solidarity and democracy! we are aloud to express our opinions through manifestation. i mean, sure greve can create loads of public problems, but hey, that’s their right, and we should respect it.

it’s cute when comparing that to malaysia. hell even the PM urged to break down the BERSIH movement. i mean, what the hell is that? we should be aloud to manifest, that’s our right! where’s the democracy in banning public manifestation? BERSIH is a calm, solidarity manifestation. but this recent incident where the force de l’ordre pumping a tear gas and released a water canon towards the participants, it’s not normal! u say the demonstration bring the bad images of malaysia, but a tear gas and water canon isn’t? is that a joke or something?

talking about the joke, i watched youtube on something funny, one of the minister(i dont know who) did an interview with al-jazeera, and he seemed to be tensed and starting to burst out on international tv! you can’t control yourself,can u?

a good government is one who can handle and face the problems, not running from them

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