Camelia Malik : Politically Incorrect!

Apparently, Siti Nurhaliza is an iconic public figure, even in political scene! yes, the latest fall out between Malaysia and Indonesia has reach out to Indonesia’s celebrity Camelia Malik to ask the Indonesian Gov to stop trading for Malaysian artist in general, and to stop Siti Nurhaliza’s activity in Indonesia particularly.

“Semua kegiatan yang terkait dengan Malaysia harus kita hentikan, termasuk konser Siti Nurhaliza. Itu bentuk nyata protes kita atas Malaysia yang menolak minta maaf,” tegasnya.

This is preposterous!! how come Siti Nurhaliza get into this? Siti is not a politic figure for God’s sake! I think Camelia Malik is a attention-seeker! What’s wrong with her? Tak fikir betul2 ke before issue out that statement?! It’s good enough that Malaysia supports Indonesian artists, and we both (Malaysia and Indonesia) should keep this relation as it is!

Sehubungan itu, Musa mengarahkan empat anggota polis yang dipercayai terbabit dalam kes berkenaan digantung tugas sementara siasatan dijalankan.

Look, Malaysia ada undang2 tersendiri, those four policemen sudah pon diambil tindakan, there’s no need to bash out others! tak perlu ambil kesempatan ini untuk menjatuhkan orang lain.

Camelia patut tahu bezakan antara politik dan seni.

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